Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things I Learned from Huge Financial Brokerage Firm

1. Never write or send an email that you wouldn't want 4 or 5 strangers reading.

2. Don't do anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable explaining to a judge and a courtroom full of people.

This about covers it for life, doncha think?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Introducing Papa Sticks

Seriously, my husband is the best. When I first met him, I didn't know what to think about him. It was the late '90's and I saw him running across our college campus with overalls worn with one strap down. In case you don't remember that style, the last time it was in, was the late '80's. Think New Kids on the Block, before they regrouped. Not like I can be all high and mighty about personal style, considering the mile high bangs I wore at least a decade, maybe two, after they were popular.

Anyway, we were drawn together by the activities we were involved in and eventually began dating. That was over 10 years ago - I can't even believe all that time has passed. I think he's a pretty handsome guy, but I was really drawn to him because of his character. Everybody who knew/knows him, says that he is so kind. He is passionate about justice for the little guy, and has been known to stop guys who were just rough housing on the side of the road, because he thought they were picking on someone. He is truly a gentle giant, and I am so glad that he is modeling this for our son and two baby girls. And I'm so glad he's mine.

Friday, January 14, 2011

First Post

So, here it is. My very first post. Hopefully you'll be entertained at some point along my blogging journey.

As introduction, I'm a woman living in the Santa Cruz mountains, with a husband, a two year old and infant twins, and a dog. Technically, I also have a snake, or more accurately, my husband has a snake that lives in a school for now. I hope we never get him back.

This blog is an outlet for me for now, so I will be posting anonymously for the time being. I can guarantee you that my topics will be pretty random...er, broad...'cause that's just how my brain works. That, and I'm working on some pretty serious sleep deprivation with the twins and all.